Sunday, October 26, 2008

Quiet wet weekend

Well it's official! I saw my first snowflake today. YUCK! I wish it would have waited at least 2 more weeks. It's going to be cold for the football games coming up. It's a good thing to be a coaches wife. I get to sit in the booth.

Clay had a costume party yesterday. He had a blast. The parents must be very well off. She had HUGE diamond earrings and the gifts were all going to Operation Bootstrap. No one was to bring a gift for the birthday boy. Nice idea. She had the park decorated for Halloween and the UWSP drama club came to perform. The kids all got to carve a pumpkin and bob for apples. The TV news team was there to report on the donation. The mom thought operation bootstrap called but I think it was the teachers. The entire class got invited.

Cole and Bill had practice Friday and Sat. Cole's been a bum today. Bill went to pick up our pork. OK now where to put it.

Kyle been busy with homework. He has to make a family tree. It's kind of fun to do with him.

Me I get to do laundry and cleaning. Always the Cinderella in the family. I got demoted from Queen today go figure.

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