Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Hope all the gouls have happy haunting!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday Thoughts

How do you know when it's true your children look like you? Everyone sees something different in each of your children. Each one of my boys has something that resembles me and something that is Bill. More people are telling me Cole looks like me. OK I get the eyes. Kyle is looking more like Bill and Clayton looks more like me at that age than any of the others. Needless to say looking like your mom when your a boy is not a compliment. Cole's getting a little upset. I ran into a girl I went to high school with last night and Cole was with me. She said she couldn't believe first of all how big his was but how much he looked like me. OK picture Cole trying to be polite and not trying to roll his eyes to the back of his head. I heard it all the way home. I didn't think I was that bad looking. I guess I am totally delusional. Oh well I am uncool and ugly to a 16 year old. By the way he's going to a Halloween party tomorrow. I asked him what he's going as, a studly defensive lineman. I was stupid enough to ask how he's going to do that. He said he's just going as himself. UGH!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Phenomenal Defense!

They did it!!! We won 50 -7 last night. This game was so much fun to watch. The Knights only scored once we put our freshman in. Cole said this team was very classy. It was a good night! Cole got several tackles and a QB sack. He was really pumped and you could tell. It's good to be a coaches wife. We got to sit in the booth and we were nice and warm. We now play Wild Rose on Sat at 7. Another tough team! I will be glad when I can stop feeling sick before games. Our head coach, Bob, got tackled last night. He was having problems last night with his hip before the game and this just made it worse. Bill said he hit his head pretty hard also. He's a little worried about Coach.

I just got home from a class. It was a nice review. I do know that I need to take the certification test to be ATP (adaptive technology professional) certified. My boss is also going to this. It would help me job wise.

This other kids are just tired from yesterday. Bill is going to vote for all conference selections tonight. He always likes doing this. It gives him a chance to talk with other coaches. He also likes to hear that he always has really good kickers and what a nice job he does. It's good for the ego.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Nervous Monday

I don't know who's more nervous about tomorrow? I can't eat. Cole and Bill keep watching film and going over a ton of stuff. They both figure this will be the toughest game until they have to face Edgar. Life of a football mom and wife is not one for the faint of heart. Keep cheering for us around 7:30 tomorrow night. I keep praying that no one gets seriously hurt. I also pray Cole knocks the snot out of someone. OK so I have a competitive side to me go figure. GO CARDS!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Quiet wet weekend

Well it's official! I saw my first snowflake today. YUCK! I wish it would have waited at least 2 more weeks. It's going to be cold for the football games coming up. It's a good thing to be a coaches wife. I get to sit in the booth.

Clay had a costume party yesterday. He had a blast. The parents must be very well off. She had HUGE diamond earrings and the gifts were all going to Operation Bootstrap. No one was to bring a gift for the birthday boy. Nice idea. She had the park decorated for Halloween and the UWSP drama club came to perform. The kids all got to carve a pumpkin and bob for apples. The TV news team was there to report on the donation. The mom thought operation bootstrap called but I think it was the teachers. The entire class got invited.

Cole and Bill had practice Friday and Sat. Cole's been a bum today. Bill went to pick up our pork. OK now where to put it.

Kyle been busy with homework. He has to make a family tree. It's kind of fun to do with him.

Me I get to do laundry and cleaning. Always the Cinderella in the family. I got demoted from Queen today go figure.

Friday, October 24, 2008

It's a 3-Peat!!!

Wow what a game! It was a heart stopper up to the end. We were up 20-7 at the half. Wittenberg-Birnamwood had to win to make it to the play off games and they came at us with a vengeance. The game was 28-27 with 38 SECONDS! left to the game. Wittenberg is about to go for 2 Cole's buddy Nathan comes out at the snap and knocks it down. OUR BALL!!!! WE WIN!!!!
Cole had a terrible game. With that said I do have to say he was double teamed by 2 guys who weighed 560# together. He also got a helmet to the hip. If it was his butt it would have bounced off. I say this not because he's a chunk but because he's in pretty good shape. His hip is pretty colors today. All the coaches, wives and kids went out to Hilltop to celebrate. Coach Bob's wife thanked Bill for looking out for him on the field. We had a great ball boy so it was one more thing the coaches didn't have to worry about. Thanks DAD. It was parents night so I had Dad stand in for Bill. It was nice not to have to stand there by myself. Cole just got paid for reffing and we were at Best Buy today. He was looking at FM converters for his ipod. Here's this conversation:
C: "I don't know if I really want to spend my money."
M: "I don't like you spending my money either"
C: "But I love spending your money."

Kyle has a Halloween dance tonight. He's been going back and forth about dressing up. We were going to make him the candy man. We were going to get a suit jacket from goodwill and pin candy all over it. He thought that was cool until we went in to get the jacket then decided he wasn't sure if he wanted to go. That is until we got home and his friend called him now they are going as Brewer fans. By the way we did get his hair cut finally today. He hadn't had it cut since July.

Clay is just glad to have the day off. He has a birthday party (Costume party) tomorrow. He wants to be the grim reaper. It's a good thing we have everything for that.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Oh my it's Tuesday!

My week is so busy I forgot that it was Tuesday already. Between football games, dr. apt.'s and DI practice ( it's a little crazy. Cole won his football game but didn't have the greatest game. He was and is upset about one of his teachers. This is the schools tech ed teacher. He also does a lot with the plays. Cole really enjoys him. Unfortunately he has cancer and over the weekend had a stroke. Cole got pretty teary eyed when telling me about it before the game. Bill's gotten to know this teacher well as is equally upset. The cancer has spread and I don't think he's long for this world.

Kyle was hone sick today. I think it's the same bug Cole had last week. Clay is fighting me doing his homework. I'll give him an hour to play before I tackle it again.

I will not, I repeat, I will not ever curse my children with the "I hope you have a child just like you" Sleepless nights worrying is not worth it. I may say I hope you have a child better than you. This curse was given to both Bill and I and it's come on with a vengeance.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Windy Weekend

Boy the weather would be nice if it wasn't for the wind. Clay's last football game was yesterday. They had a huge party afterwards. The SPASH and Pacelli players were there. The kids kept coming up to Clay and telling him that they got his brothers autograph. Clay was NOT impressed with this. Cole on the other hand loves to be worshipped so this was a great time for him. He's done reffing now and can't wait to get the check. Kyle we haven't seen all weekend. He's been at this friends homes. I don't know when we'll see him.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The last Friday night lights for the year!

Cole has a game in Wey-Fre tonight. It's should be lots of fun considering it is raining and cold. His last game of the regular season is next Thursday. Maryis riding with me to the game which should be fun. Clay will make sure he has his movies with him. Good thing Indiana Jones came out today to keep him entertained. Kyle is going to the game with a friend who's brother also plays.

It's been a wonderful week and I'm just waiting for the bottom to drop out. It always seems when things go this good something catastrophic happens to me. Let's hope not. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's Wednesday!

Kyle had his last game yesterday. They won 48-6 against Port Edwards. He was really excited because they let him run the ball the last quarter of the game. He's a little bulldozer. Just remeber he usually is a lineman. It was pretty entertaining. He did get some yardage though.

Clay only has one more practice and game. Cole and Bill have 2 more weeks until playoffs start. It's play until you loose. I hope we don't loose until Nov 21st (state tourny is the 20th).

Time to get Clay's costume going. He wants to be the grim reaper. Good thing for my little alter boy.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kyle's Last Fotball game of the season

I'm about to head off to a really crazy game of football. I guess the kids are not playing in their regular spots. If they loose this game Kyle will be unbearable to live with. The coaches said that they are just going out to have fun today. Yikes, this did not go over well with Kyle. He was fuming all night long about this. He was told he was not kicking or playing defense. I wonder though if our superstar quarterback will be starting today (aka coaches kids and all plays are made around him to show off his talents)

Cole came home sick today. Bill made him come outside to help with something as they were butchering the pigs. OH Bill found out very quickly how wrong that was. Cole was made even sicker because Mom made him fill out his job application. No I did not show him Jen's blog. By the way I still can't touch onions without my hands smelling for days. Thank you Little Caesar's.

Clay is at the after school study hall and then has practice tonight. This is his last week also. We are starting to slow down. I don't know what I will do next week when I have no running to do.

Monday, October 13, 2008

What handsome young men

Well for a Monday it's not been to bad. It's Columbus Day so not mail=no bills. Our big wigs didn't show up today. Cole is up at Bonduel for a JV game. I asked him if it was important that I go up and he said no. He will be only playing offense and very little since they took the freshman up with them because their game got cancelled. We can't afford to have anyone else hurt. Kyle's pictures haven't come in yet so that's why he's not up there. He's not happy about practice tonight. It's his last one but he's really tired from this weekend and I guess he has a lot of homework. I'll help him get it done. The Piggies got out again tonight. Good thing they meet their maker tomorrow. Can we say MMMMM Bacon?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

To Warm to hunt

Kyle and Bill went out again last night and then again this morning. Poor thing didn't see anything. Bill talked to a couple of his friends that were out hunting as well and they didn't see anything either. Bill was at least hoping he would see something so Kyle could get a shot. The weekend wasn't a total waste. Denise had to empty out her freezer to make room for the cow and pig we're butchering this week. So it's roasts and steaks! YUM!

Clay and I went to go see IGOR. Let's just say I don't think it's even worth the rental. I thought it would be a cute Halloween movie. It is cute but not worth the money.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fields on Fire Boys!

Clay's coach always yells "Fields on fire boys quick feet quick feet!" Not only did CJ (there are 3 Clayton's on his team) have quick feet he was able to run like crazy today. Clay had a 11 yard run, a 4 yard run and couple of 1-2 yarders. These were up the middle and he really pushed his way through. The coaches were impressed with how he held onto the ball. He has his older brothers to thank for that. They won 22-6.

Now that I am allowed to talk about the rest of the family (Kyle was suffering middle child syndrome the other day) At the meal on Thursday, pre-game for the high school football team, the boys came in at 3:05 and everyone was fed and out by 3:31. We had count all our fingers and make sure we had both of our arms afterwards. The boys are very polite and surprisingly very quiet. Remember 41 boys all coming in at the same time.

Kyle got skunked this morning. Bill said they didn't see anything at all. Kyle thinks he took him to a dead zone, just like fishing.

I was getting out of the shower after Clays game and I hear "Hello anyone home?" I grab my robe and go see who it is. It's our neighbor behind us. He's come to tell me our pigs are out running around. Yikes! I quick get changed and go out to do a little pig wrangling. Bill's still in Pittsville, Cole's with Nathan. I get the pigs cornered and I'm going to stand watch until Bill gets home but the Cole and Nathan show up and we get the little buggers back in. They busted through the wooden fence putting a hole in the fence. I'm so glad they are getting the ax on Tues.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Kyle vs. Tri- County

Kyle's the first guy. The one with the red and white arms. Next to him is his friend Jacob. Jacob is about 1/2 of Kyle's size but his is an awsome lineman.
This is Kyle and Jesse (Amy's son #22) their a force to be reckoned with when they team up. Just don't get them mad. The kid in front of Jesse just informed him that he "banged you madre last noche" Like I said don't get them mad. He got pancaked right after this. These two are always talking during the game you can usually tell the temperature of the game by how much these two are talking. Less talking easy game. More it's tougher or something is happening on the field.

It looks like he's getting beat here but he really has control. In case you couldn't tell that's Kyle #45. These guys were big but they tired easily. Supposedly Tri- county was undefeated prior to this game Kyle doesn't like any of these pictures but I think they show him pretty well.

Pacelli vs. Bonduel 24-0

The boys standing for the national anthem

3rd in looks like his about to go offsides
Helping go in for the kill

All about Kyle

Kyle had a fantastic game. They played until they were playing by moonlight. Then I went to the other game. Kyle is in Eau Claire today on a religious pilgrimage. He's not to happy about that. 21 parents wrote notes to let their kids off of the trip. We are a Catholic School come on! Kyle is getting so excited about tomorrow's hunting trip. Denise is letting them hunt out at her place. Bill's picking him up once he gets home and they are going to go get his license. We couldn't do it before this because we were busy with the other humans that live in our house.
Kyle has been asked to be in the Babe Ruth book of All stars. All the all stars in the league were asked but not all got letters asking for their stats. I need to get the batting stats from his coach. I thought it was a gimmick until we got talking to the high school coach and he said that it's really tough to get into this. So I guess we will have to do this for him.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I get tomorrow off!

I woke up this morning and hit the snooze. I just wanted to sleep. Then I remembered Yeah! I have tomorrow off. I had to jump up and down I was so excited. Bill needless to say wasn't so excited at 4:30 in the morning when he gets to sleep to at least 6. He's also less than thrilled that I am celebrating a day off. Oh well!
Boys all had practice tonight and I had grocery shopping to do. I have to help feed 43 boys afterschool and before a big game tomorrow night. This one is for all the marbles. So my Friends I ask you to be supportive. ( Ok I watched the debates and it rubbed off)
Kyle is in the process of pulling his bunk beds apart and making 2 seperate beds. My baby's growing up.
I also got Clay's pictures from school yesterday and was commenting how cute they were when Cole informs me his were in his backpack for about the last week. Kyle's of course and not here and he just told me he never turned in the check for them. He did this last year also.
Off to make 10 pans of brownies and cookie bars.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We're Having a really bad day

Poor Kyle gets in the car and starts off a blue streak about what a bad day he had. He gets yelled at no matter what. Then I start singing and dancing in the car and he starts laughing but then tells me this is just making his day worse. 5 minutes after we get home I hear him singing the song I was singing in the car. Couldn't have been to bad of a day.

I had to be 4 people today at work because we have 2 that are totally useless. Could anyone else do their job and not try passing the buck or admit that they screwed up and take responsibility. Thank goodness for my boss. She is so supportive and was angry right along with me. It's nice to have support.

Cole won last night but got cleated on the bad ankle. Stupid kid. Parents buy him a $300 brace for his knee and yet he doesn't wear it during the game. His coaches kicked him out at half time and sent him into the locker room to put it on. I could have strangled him.

Clay has practice tonight. In the rain should be fun. At least the temperature is decent. It's a good time to read.

Bill's ok not much to tell other than he will have an ulcer by Monday. Thursday night is the biggest game this year. If they win they win the CWC championship. Kyle's going hunting and he's nervous about this. I need to give him some valium at this point.

As Scarlett states "Tomorrow is another day"

Monday, October 6, 2008

You Love Cole More

I was informed yesterday that there are very few pictures on my blog of Mr. Kyle. Therefore on Thurs. I will be taking and downloading pictures of Mr. Kyle. He's all excited because this weekend is the youth deer hunt. For those 12-15 they get to hunt with an adult Sat. and Sun. Bill's really funny. He's so nervous for the boys. Cole is jealous because he's to old.

Nothing real exciting to report today. Just a JV game at 4:30 for Cole. It's Iola so it should be an easy game but you just never know.

I'm also thinking that for Entertainment night Jen, Deb and I should do an ABBA song. What do you think Jen? Any ideas for a date?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Action Shots from the Paper

Coles the one coming in on the left.
#79 on the right
It's already a boring game and almost 1/2 time. Dressed to weather the cold. That's Amy next to me and Sarah on the right.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Don't Mess With the Ref

What a night!

Yes if you looked the score of last nights game is correct. 69-14. There were 48 points in the first half. The mercy clock ran the second half and we were back in Stevens Point by 8:45. Cole played wonderful. 8 tackles and at least 2 sacks. He is really enjoying starting on defense. Next week (Thursday) will be the tough one. They need to win this game to win the conference. Bonduel got beat by Shiocton and we beat Shiocton.

Bill and Cole are off to Madison soon for the Badger game. Most of the Pacelli coaches are going so it should be a fun time. Cole's excited to see this game.

Kyle is going out trap shooting with a friend today. He's so ready to go hunting. Cole's headed out tomorrow. I have no idea what I'm going to do if he gets a duck.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday Night Fever

Well you ask, What am I doing tonight? Geeze it's Friday night and I know I have something going on. OH Right! Football! So surprising. Tonight's game is against Iola. Who by the way has kicked our butts the last 2 meetings. Let's hope things go our way tonight. Cole is in the starting line up again. This does make me nervous and nauseous. I hope he does well.

Kyle ditched me to go with his friend to the game. His friends older brother also plays. Clay went to the neighbors so I have a few minutes of peace and quiet until Bill gets home.

On the political side of things let me just say if Palin gave me one more wink I was going to reach through the T.V. and choke her. She had the stage presence over Biden however she kept to the talking points and steered away from answering any question she didn't understand or wasn't coached on. Just look at the "What do you feel the VP role is?" question. She botched that one up and "Say it ain't so Joe" nailed her on it. She came across as a power hungry bitch. I really am not impressed. I now have a OBAMA/BIDEN sign in my yard.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Phone Call from Teacher

Bill decides to call me at work from home at lunch. He has the answering machine going and tells me I need to listen to a message. The message begins; "Mr. and Mrs. Rogers this is Mrs. Patton Kyle's math teacher." OK let's just say this never goes well from this point. It usually is we have to talk or Kyle's really struggling and we need to see what we can do. My hearts just dropping. Then the message goes on to say;"I just wanted to let you know that Kyle got 100% on his math test and currently has the highest percentage in the class." Ok now comes shock, tears, joy, pride, etc. I get off the phone at work and everyone is looking at me concerned. After I explained everything to them they were laughing at me.

I get to my car after work and have 3 missed calls from Kyle. I finally connect with him and I hear him yell "I'm the smartest kid in my class!" Bill saw him at practice and said he was grinning from ear to ear. Pre-Algebra has been good for him. It gives me hives but he's doing well. Kyle's feet haven't touched the ground since.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Dad's sad Day

Well Bill had to let go today. Cole no longer needs him. Let's just say Bill's not accepting this very well. Cole went duck hunting with his buddies today and no Dad. Bill was a nervous wreck until he talked to him afterwards. Cole shot but didn't get any. Hey a positive Cole was up before 11 am on a day off of school. He's really tired and has a 4 hour football practice today. Bet he goes to bed early tonight. I would love to pick on Bill for not being needed and give him back all the unsolicited advice he gave me but I'll Rise Above and not say anything. Hey we still have 2 more that will need us for a short time yet.