Wednesday, November 21, 2012


This is the time of year when everyone states what they are thankful for. With all the terrible nasties that have went on this year in our lives, I am grateful to be where we are right now. Cole's doing well in school, Kyle made it through football with flying colors and is looking forward to college applications, Clay is doing well in school with very few bumps in our road. Bills cancer scare turned out to be just that. I have a few jobs that will help us get through Bills bump in the employment world.  So this year I am not only thankful for the life I have but also for the wonderful family and friends that help support us during the tough and good times.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving day and hopefully you all have things to be thankful for also.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

All Good things come to an end

Kyle had his last High School Football on Friday night. It was so much fun to watch him play over the past 4 years. It's been fun watching him grow  into the young man he is. He lost the final game against Rosholt. It was a tough game and even harder because he had friends on the other side of the line. Kyle received first team punter and second team kicker for conference. Now it's on to college visits and big decisions.  Congratulations Kyle on a wonderful year!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

This Crazy thing we call life

Our life has been sooo busy lately and we've had some highs and lows lately. Kyle's football team is 3-1 right now. He's playing so well it's hard to see them loose. This next weekend is homecoming and he's going with a friend. Should be really fun. He would like to wear gold lame hammer pants but settled on a gold lame vest, that's if his mother gets it done. He's been staying at a friends house this week. Isaac's parents are in California and they just got a new puppy. Kyle's there taking care of the puppy.
Cole's busy at school and seems to enjoy it. We really don't see much of him. He's in Eau Claire celebrating a couple of birthdays with friends. I do like having him home.
Clay has had his ups and downs with football. Coaches are being really good with him and encouraging him to continue. We've never let kids quit once they start but sometimes we need to take a step back and let them make the decision. He's working really hard in school and has made us a bet for a netbook for straight A's the first quarter. Fortunately for him he's keeping on that pace.
Bill lost his job last Friday so he's been busy looking. He's still doing the warranty and freight inspections and has increased the territory he will do them in. He interviewed for the high school maintenance position but has not heard anything yet. Hopefully this will be a short term thing. Friends have been fantastic in giving him leads. He also is having an upper and lower GI study done this week. Hopefully we find out it was just stress.
I get to move closer to home for my job. Kids are excited. I have heard anything from Oct 8th to the 24th. It will be nice to be back to the area.
Homecoming is this week so we have lots of fun things to do. The mom's routine is coming along nicely and it's a great group of moms to be with. If I'm brave I'll post the video. Kyle is not on court and he's thrilled about that.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Quick Catch up

Cole is all signed up for school and starting on Monday. He's dying to leave home. I am glad he's back. I hope he enjoys this year. He just has his majors classes left. Don't see much of him. He's such a social butterfly.

Kyle had a scrimmage for football today and tweeked his knee at the end of the 1st of 3 sets of scrimmages. Not very happy and very scared that this is something major. I don't think it is and trainer didn't seem very concerned. We are off into the senior year.

Clay started football. Seems to like it so far. It's fun to see him play with his friends. He's are also getting ready for school. He's about the happiest of the three to think about school.

Bill has been having fun with car shows and taking life a little slower.

I'm just crazy busy with work and the kids. I know it will all end to soon so I'm enjoying it while I can.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Senior Pictures

 Both people are Kyle. He LOVES this picture even though you can't see his face.
 Tough guy

Let me know what you all think! These are just some of them.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy Birhday

Happy Birthday Beth! Have an awsome day!!!!

What a season #15!

What a season we had! Baseball just about every night! I was a season of ups and downs. We didn't start out real well then we ended up1 game away from state. We beat a team that has beat us 5 times before. During this season Kyle hit a grand slam. When we asked him if he ever thought he would achieve that dream? his response was its something no one ever thinks they will get the chance to do. He got to do a lot of hitting and catching. It was fun getting to know the parents of the players. This was a new team because Kyle was no longer on the jr team. The team was great and have a ton of talent. Good luck to those graduating an moving on! Congratulations Stevens Point 6ers on you 20-8 season!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Baby SIs

Hope you have as much fun today a we did all together!
Happy Birthday!
Love you Lots and Lots!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Feeling Helpless

This morning I woke up to find out one of Cole's friends was in a car accident and passed away. To have to make the call was so hard. This was a close friend that he had a summer full of plans with. We tried to get Cole to stay in Plattville but he needs to be with his friends and so he is making the trip home. A bunch of the kids are coming home to be together. I know this pain and wish I could make it stop for him. Please say a prayer for the Trzebitowski family as they deal with the loss of their very funny, positive, always smiling, living life to the fullest son.

Baseball,Brewers,and Beauty

 It's been a fun and busy week! We started out with Kyle playing baseball in LaCrosse on Saturday then to the Brewers game to Celebrate Jen's Birthday! Caleb and Clay sharing peanuts, fist bumps and laughs with each other and all the kids at the game
 Deb,Tim, Andy and Beth enjoying the game
 Kyle with his Aunt Jen who made his day by being able to watch the game with all of his family in the Dew Deck. He was soooo excited to be there. 
 Then we had 2 other baseball games and then we are on to Prom. Kyle in his first formal attire. He thinks he's so sexy.
 Kyle and Hannah. She's freezing by the way. Temp is only 25 degrees. The girls were all troopers through the pictures
 The couples
Kyle and Hannah starving and ready to get rid of the cameras and parents and go eat and become dancing machines.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Oh My What a Day!

Saturday was such a beautiful day for a double header! I actually got sunburned. Kyle played the second game and did an awesome job behind the plate and at the bat. He hit an out of the park homer. I think we both were shocked. I love baseball season because you just never know what's going to happen.
It's a busy week full of baseball, work, school stuff, getting ready for prom and the big birthday celebration. It's going to be such a fun week. Here we go!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Its Spring!!!

It's hard to complain about the weather when it's normal to be in the 40's and 50's at the end of March. We got spoiled with the 70's. The boys have been playing outside until bed. Kyle has been practicing baseball outside. He has his first game on Monday but, it's suppose to thunderstorm. Love spring sports. Cole is getting everything ready to to make the transfer home. He'll be home on Tuesday night for Easter. I'm starting to re-do his room. Since he and Clay switched rooms it's hard for me to see him in a little guys room. I found a steal for new sheets and a comforter that match the colors I like perfectly. Clay's team did not do well at the Destination Imagination tournament. The boys at least had a good time. Now he's just dying to ride his bike to school and also to start riding his skateboard he got for Christmas. It's time to go shopping in Appleton. OK once Clay wakes up and Kyle gets out of the shower.  Have a great weekend!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Vacations Over

Well it's been a fun week off of doing nothing. It's back to work and to school for us all. It's nice to go back to work and have no major issues to deal with. I did find out that I have to go to Indianapolis for work the end of April. Clay has his last day of bowling club today and has really enjoyed it. Now it's time to figure out what he's going to do this summer. So many choices.

Off to go look at paint colors and comforters for an updated look in Cole's new room. Would like to get it done before Easter. We'll see.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Update on the life of the Rogers Family

March has been a very busy month so far for all of us.
Cole has turned 20. OMG!!! How did I get a son this old? Unfortunately he had the flu the day before and of his birthday. He's had some major decisions in his life. He has went in to get tested for ADD and found out he also has this. He's on medication and so far the results are very positive. It's been a long time convincing him that he needed to get tested but he finally did. He has also decided to transfer back to home to go to school. Yay!  This will at least save us money!

Kyle had suffered his first heartbreak. His girlfriend of a little over a year broke up with him. He's not taking this real well. Kyle tends to go to extremes and is overthinking this. He has started baseball and is in his glory with this.

Clay is busy turning 12 and riding his new bright green bike. We can see him coming a mile away. He is getting ready for the destination imagination competition this weekend. I hope they do well. The team has been having a little difficulty with the team work aspect of the challenge. Clay has just been busy doing what Clay does. I have a tough time keeping up with him.

Bill and I have just been busy working and trying to keep up with the boys. We can't wait until the games start.

I have to start to find someone to take Kyle's senior (OMG!) pictures.

Have a great last week of March!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Things I Do for Love

Kyle and I are off tomorrow for a weekend in Minneapolis to watch Hannah in the National Dance Competition! I can't wait! It's going to be nice to get away. We are leaving early so we can play before we need to be at the competition. Kyle's on a mission to find a new baseball glove and I'm just on a mission to relax. I hope the girls do well the next couple of days. We will be home before the storm (hopefully). Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mardi Gras!!

What a wonderful time of the year!! I love it!!! It's the time of year when everything is renewed. The time when we start to renew our faith. Sacrifice something to make us more aware of how lucky we are. I don't always agree with the giving up of something. I like to give of myself and have the family do something within the community. It's a time of year the gets me to refocus and evaluate some of the things I'm not doing so well in my life and see if I can change it.

We celebrated at work today with a potato bar! Love me my potatoes.

Kids are all doing well. Kyle and I are headed to Minneapolis to watch Hannah at nationals this weekend. Nice excuse for a weekend away.

Cole was home this weekend. A girl threw up on him at a party this weekend. He was. not. happy. We all got a good laugh.

Clay is preparing for destination imagination. He's on an improv team which I'm coaching. It's a crazy little team. Don't think we will go very far but it's fun.

Have a great week!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hamster Wheel

I really feel like I'm on a hamster wheel to no where. I need to go someplace to recharge my batteries. The question is with or without the kids? I'd feel guilty the whole time I'm gone. I feel like I'm in the movie Groundhog Day. Time to get out of the rut!! Watch out world!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Long Winter

For most people the lack of snow it a blessing. In my house it makes for a long, boring winter. There is no snowmobiling, fort making, skiing, snowball get the picture. While I've enjoyed not having below 0 temps the fun part of winter hasn't been here this year. I'm heading to Minneapolis with Kyle at the end of the month so I'm sure we will get a big storm by then. This weather has put my mood in a funk as well. Time to invest in a sun light or drink some Uhler (a cinnamon and peppermint schnapps) and say the snow prayer.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Awful Mom?

People who don't have kids with ADD/ADHD don't understand the conflicts a Mom goes through. We have these perfectly loving kids who can't attend, can't stop themselves from acting whether they have been asked to stop or not to do something, and they all have anger bursts which they can't explain why later. As a Mom you find yourself yelling or reprimanding these kids. You go to school and fight with the teachers because you understand your kid however they don't. You find yourself fighting with the kid and feeling awful for it. It pits you against your spouse at times. These kids are very sweet and caring kids. Please don't judge the kids or moms.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Zumba my butt off!

Zumba class tonight!!! Going to try my hand at this tonight! A friend of mine's daughter teaches it. It's suppose to be a killer class! I'm ready to get rid of the blubber:)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Who do I admire

Kyle had to write a paper on who he admires and who inspires him for his religion final. The first person was his grandpa. Here's what he said.
"I'm told I'm a lot like this person and I take that as a compliment. The person that inspires me to be a better person is my grandpa. He's tough on me when I need it. He has taught me how to be better in all my sports. He is a hard worker, loves his family and has a strong faith. Grandpa inspires me to be better at everything I do. He would not accept anything but the best so I don't either. When people watch me play baseball and tell me they see my grandpa out on the field I take that as the biggest compliment ever. I hope as I get older I can be like him and keep my work ethic, love my family and keep my faith."
It's great when the kids are little and look up to people but I think is spectacular when they still see that same person as larger than life as they get older. Notice he didn't bring up their tempers LOL.
The other 2 people were me and his brother Cole. It was a very sweet paper.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Getting fit and fab

Two days in a row. Today I needed off. I am sooooo sore and my legs feel like they are ready to give out with every step. I have to remember I am not 17. I walked and lifted and then yesterday took a body pump class. I will be back to the class. Clay has been to the Y every day. It only takes him about 7 min. to walk to the Y. He loves it. He goes swimming and plays in the teen room. Cole and Kyle both are enjoying the Y and seem to have little competitions to see who's strong. Of course Cole wins. We haven't got Bill to go with us yet but there's still hope. I am ready for more pain. BRING IT ON.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bikini season here I come!

We joined the Y as a family. Clay was crawling out of his skin to go swimming. He had a blast. I went and lifted weights w/ the boys. I was good and did not over do it. The boys are great and very supportive of me working out. I think it's because I am trying to plan a trip to a beach somewhere for next Christmas or spring break. I know it will be slow going but nothing worth doing comes easy. I am still 2# lower than I was when I started the work fat club challenge. Thank goodness we started it prior to the holidays. Wish me luck

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dear Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature,
I live in Wisconsin and I think you forgot what your duties are. It's January and we are having temperatures in the mid 30's to 40 degrees. It's nice as far as being able to go out and walk without bundling up in several layers however, we are not able to snowmobile, ski, sled or ice skate outdoors. The golf courses are open. This is making for a boring winter. You can keep the mild temperatures but could you please throw us a little snow. It would help make my family happy.
Thank you,
Rogers family

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Ayes have it!

I don't know if they know what they got themselves into  but the Post 6 Baseball just voted me on their board! It's so much fun to be able to be a part of something that I really believe in and enjoy. I'm sure I won't always feel this way but I feel it's a great honor and can't wait to start helping make decisions.
Kyle went and worked out with his  coach today. He does love his baseball. Cole's out w/ his buds. Clay is sitting on the couch and playing on the computer. Nice quiet night.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Great Day Off

Had a much needed day off. Went to Wausau w/ Cole to get his glasses fixed. Had a nice time w/ him just 1:1. Went to my favorite Mexican restraunt (El Jalapeno's), got treated to flan (yum). We got home just before the others did. Now it's off to a board meeting for baseball. Can't wait to hear the sound of cleats on the field. Here's back to work.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodbye 2011 Hello 2012!

2011 has been a year of growing pains and challenges. It has been a year of changes in our family. Addition of girlfriends, loss of family and friends. Along with these changes have come to ability learn that things will be different and trying to accept and find balance in sharing the boys and adjusting to losses. 2011 has brought us challenges with the boys. Thank goodness nothing life altering and it all comes with the territory of raising teenagers and learning experiences. Mom always said that little problems come with little kids and big problems with big kids. Work has been a challenge and the decision to leave a job after 16 years was a tough one. I feel it was the right decision. With Walker and his changes ,Bill's job is still uncertain but as always if something does happen we will get through it. Reading this might be depressing but it has been a roller coaster of a year for us. With this I look forward to 2012 and the excitement it will bring. I believe positive changes are happening for all of us. Welcome 2012! Happy New Year to all of you! I wish everyone the best for the year!