Friday, January 9, 2009

Finally Friday!

Well today was really funky. I was working the "Regular job" and Rapids needed help. I went to Rapids and got done there early so I quick ran to my favorite Rapids restaurant (TJ's). I paid for the meal, grabbed my change, and drove off. OOPS I forgot to grab the bag from the girl. Drive around the block walk in and laugh. I know they were all thinking "what a putz". That's alright I was too. I then get to facility #3 today and the first person I grab is the wrong person O.K. by this point I need my head examined. The rest of the day went fine. I got home and all is good. Tomorrow I get to use my gift certificate from Deb. I can't wait. More about that later. Let's just hope I don't throw anything out and end up in the emergency room.

Cole got his first paycheck today. Welcome to the world of paying taxes. Do you remember when you were excited to get a $66 paycheck? Kyle is at a friends house and Clay is in his personal swimming pool. Cole has to work tonight.

Bill's still upset about last nights game. Oh Well I'm sure there is someone in the family who's happy the Gators won.

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