Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's Wednesday and I'm home

This is not to say that I have nothing to do. I just don't have to be anywhere near a football field today. Bill, Cole, and Kyle are practicing and Clay is playing at friends house. 5 whole minutes of quiet.

Can we build a bridge and get over it already. I don't want to hear anything about a war hero or the war on terror. I get it, I've gotten it for the last 8 years. Also why would I want to vote for a president who made a knee jerk selection for his VP. Did we not know the scandals? If you are this detailed about this decision how would I trust you would make the right decision on the big issues. I hear there are many Republicans calling for Palin's withdrawal. Polls say that they are guaranteed to loose with this ticket. If I have a moose dressing issue I'll call (Stupid Fred Thompson)

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