Thursday, August 28, 2008

Long night of Football

Wow! I didn't get home until 9:30 last night. I actually got a migrane. Yikes. Here's how it happened. First I got home from work after picking up Clay from his first day of practice. I then quickly (like in 15 min.) got myself changed and Clay into his game uniform then off to Pacelli. I dropped Clay off jumped in Amy's van and off to Amherst to watch Kyle's scrimmage. After watching this we quickly stopped at subway grabbed 3 sandwiches drove back to Pacelli and gave them to the three middle schoolers as they got back on the bus and we got back in the car and headed to the big field unvieling. This is where the headache begins. Keep in mind I have yet to talk to Cole or Kyle to see how their first day of school was or lay eyes on the big kid. The unvieling started at 6:45. Clay was the first to play on the field and got a interception. Way Cool! The head dude of the project got up and gave a screaming into the mike rendition of how wonderful he and his family are for 20 min. Then dude #2 gets up and also states how wonderful he is then another 20-30 minutes of how wonderful this sponser filled field of dreams is. This guy does not know that a mike amplifies your voice! Then the intro of the high schools and college teams. Finally the ribbon cutting. 45 more minutes locate the family and finally I get to go back to Pacelli and get my car to go home. Now comes the fun part 50 pieces of paper thrown at me to fill out and send back in the morning or some teachers will give an F for this assignment. GET A LIFE. Bills feeding animals at this point and I'm ready to cry everyone is ornery. BOOO HOOO! By the way Kyle did wonderful on his scrimmage and they got new jersies after the game so he is now# 45.

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