Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Packers Rule!

The boys left for the game at about 4 yesterday afternoon. Cole convinced Bill to let him drive using his new GPS. They got there with no problems and time to tailgate. Bill sent Kyle and his friend Isaac out to see if they could find a match or lighter stick from someone. They asked the guys closest to them if they had a match the guy replied "yes my ass to your face oh that's backwards isn't it." That was the start of the night. I got 2 calls and one photo. They got home about 1:10 am. I called them in to school late but Isaac didn't end up spending the night. Cole went to go start his car this morning and walked out to find it missing. Bill took it to work thinking the boys wouldn't be ready to go until close to ten. His truck ran out of gas. Go figure! Everyone is tired and ornery tonight.

Clay had a friend over last night and had a wonderful time without his brothers. I think he was so tired from this weekend he went right to bed at 9 without a fight. We got a call from his teacher to let us know he had an awesome day today.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That's a nice sweatshirt Kyle has on. I wish I knew where he got it.