Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Never so Happy to see snow

Bill and I were wondering if we were going to have to move our vacation to a different week or loose some money on the cabin we rented because up to this point we haven't had any snow. Thank goodness for the snow gods! We got about a foot or more dumped on us last night. Hopefully we will get several more snowfalls before Christmas. Boys had off of school today and were really glad to sleep in. Cole and Kyle were a little ornery last night because of the little sleep they got the night before because of the Packer game. Cole's off sledding with his buds. The most disturbing thing I heard when he left was "Hey Nathan you have your stunt camera?" I'm waiting for the call to meet him in the emergency room. Clay's out sledding down the hill. Kyle's working on his snowmobile (snowmachine if in Alaska). Bring on a good movie, comfort food and a warm blanket and I'm set for the night.

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