Monday, December 21, 2009

Twelve Days of Christmas Day 8

Day 8 is 8 maids a milking. This has to be my BFF's. I may not have 8 but I have several very good friends who tend to make my life much easier. Any tops the list whenever I hit a low she knows how to bring up. We have shared a ton especially with the boys being in the same class. Then there is Mary. Never a sweeter or nicer person. Her only fault is she doesn't know how to say no. When there is an issue or something to be done she always puts a unique spin and gives us all a different perspective. She spoils my children and husband. Then there's Sue. I see her everyday at work. She knows more about me than most. It's wonderful to work with a great friend. The one person I don't get to see nearly enough is Becky. It's crazy that we have to make appointments to see her. Both of our lives are crazy. I don't tell these women enough how much they mean to me. I hope they know I wouldn't trade them in for anything. Thank you for being part of my life.

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