Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday!

Hey everyday is a fat day for me! Today I get to celebrate and eat! Of course with my kids going to Catholic schools everyone is talking about what sacrifices they are going to make for the Lenten season. Clay has come up with some good ones but they are for everyone else. I am giving myself and my talents to the spring musical. This comes with some stress so giving up my Milky Ways is not going to happen at this time. I think I shall give up cooking and let Bill do it. By the way he does most of it now. I can give my money to a worthy cause like Cole going clothes shopping with his friends this weekend or Kyle would like a new bat. I can try and see the good in people but being surrounded daily with such talented kids at the musical it's not really tough and not really a sacrifice. I will give up meat on Fridays. No big deal I like cheese pizza's and spaghetti and tuna casserole. I really can't come up with anything that would make a huge impact on me. Life is really pretty good. So I guess the best I can do it to try and live life to be the best person I can.

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