Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm on Vacation!

Well after a pretty dull day at work I am on vacation. I have off tomorrow and all to myself until 2:30. Boys have dentist appointments I have to take them to. I can't wait to have a little p&Q before the mad rush of the holidays start. Of course, I'm waiting for Bill because as always we wait until the last minute to shop. We know what we are getting the boys so waiting doesn't really matter. It stops them from snooping. I have never done that in my lifetime. I don't know where the kids get it. Of course I'm on the naughty list already so a little white shouldn't do anymore damage. Scotch tape was the best thing invented for snoopers. You could pull the tape off the package and peek without anyone knowing. I hope everyone stays safe in their travels. I am so jealous today of those people who are in a warmer climate. (3 above with a -20 windchill)

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