Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Cheer

This year Christmas time has brought many different feelings and the biggest of them is humility. It's no secret how much we like to spoil those we love. This year with the economy we had to tighten our belts which is very difficult for me to accept. This makes me very sad but very excited to know that we can still bring joy to those we know. This year we have been hit by illnesses in our family and friends and I am so grateful they are still with us to celebrate. I am extremely grateful Bill and I have stable jobs when so many of our friends are loosing theirs. No present could ever be better than to have my family and friends around me. The hugs, laughter, and sometimes tears we share are more precious to me than anything anyone could buy me. It's easy to fall into a scrooge character especially these days. This Christmas has brought back to me the true meaning of why we are celebrating. Christmas should be about giving of oneself whether it be time, a smile, a simple act of kindness, not yelling at the other cars during traffic. It should be a reflection of all that is all good in life and all gifts that have been given to us that can't be bought in the store. So the only thing left to say is thank you all for those gifts you have unknowingly given me and know I have and will treasure them all. I warned you all I get very melancholy this time of year

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