Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!

My wish is that everyone remains happy, healthy, and of course employed. 2008 was a heck of a roller coaster and I will enjoy one last ride through the day.
Cole was coming back from Woodruff and called me 15 min into his ride. He put the front tires in the snowbank. He is his mothers child. He was just upset and called me. He got out about 30 minutes later. He left in plenty of time to get back to Point for his job.
Bill's just rushing to get the end of the year things done at work and called me in crisis mode.
Kyle is skiing with a friend but we got a call confirming that he would be at another friends house by 3. Ooops! he won't be back until 5 and he never told us anything about this.
Clay is the only one having a great day playing with cousins Bailey and Afton. We go to pick him up after work today.
I'm working by myself today and am just now taking a lunch break. I have about an hours worth of work to do.
So as you can see 2008 is going to be a ride right to the end. We're staying home tonight and watching movies and eating popcorn. Hopefully a quiet way out of the year will bring a quiet way in.

Monday, December 29, 2008

End of the Year thoughts

As the end of the year is near I am reflecting on the highlights of the year.
1- Ski trip to Whitecap Mountain (watching Clay go down the big hill on day 2)
2-Cole getting his drivers license. (I'm still not sure who was happier Cole or Bill)
3- Watching Clay put on the catchers equipment during baseball. He had to wrap the straps around twice.
4- Kyle going to the state baseball tournament
5- Bill catching his first Musky
6- Kyle catching a larger Northern and almost going into cardiac arrest
7- Noah's ark trip. Watching Bailey go down his first waterslide.
8- Cole making varsity football and watching his team go onto have a fantastic season. (Also watching Bill get so excited and at times forget he was a coach and was just a Dad watching his son)
9- Grandpa as ballboy at the football games
10- Watching Clayton play in full football pads for the first time.
11- Kyle getting his first deer on his first deer season
12- The giant snowman made by the kids at Christmas at the Pelot's
13- Cole going on his first duck hunting trip without Dad
14- Seeing Cole get his new car
15- Homecoming attire (swimsuits)
16- Caleb answering the phone "Who's on my phone"
These are just a few of the years fun moments I can remember. I hope next year has as many if not more.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Feeling icky Saturday

Well being on vacation is fun if those certain little critters stay away. I had a bug thought I got rid of it and it started to move back in Christmas eve. I'm not sure if it's the bug or the bug killers that are making me feel yucky. It could be the rotton weather we're having. Poor Cole had his first all guys trip snowmobiling and staying at a cabin up north planned but 2 days of warm (35-51) have kind of put a damper on things. All the trails are now closed and there is a snow advisory for tonight but I don't think it will be enough to reopen the trails to allow riders on it. Bill is still helping him tune things up and get things ready just in case.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas hangover

Well it's definately the day after Christmas. I'm picking up missed wrapping paper, listening to a very loud tv playing the Xbox, helping Clay find his missing new DS, and listening to Bill and Kyle curse while putting the ping pong table (which I am sure will be bringing lots more noise tonight) together. The dishes are done, laundry in piles and no magic fairy will come do it. Hey Beth when you come back make sure you bring me a housekeeping fairy I need help! All is quiet on a rainy, yes I said it right rainy day. I hope my travelers get out and home safely. Enjoy the day.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mom get up Santa came

Clay waited up until about 11:30 to catch the big guy but he didn't show up. 7:45 He flies into our rooms telling us it's time to get up. We hear him yelling at his brothers to get up within 15 min all packages were opened and that has been the last we have seen of our children. Cole went upstairs to hook up and play his Xbox 360 Clay went downstairs to play his new Wii games and Kyle hooked up his new CO2 tank and started firing the practice balls at his new target. So much for Christmas at the Rogers household. Bill's starting to fix breakfast. We are deciding which time to go see our movie because with another 3 inches of snow yesterday the boys would like to hit the trails today after they tune up the sleds. For those of you in the sunny and warm part of the world we woke up to 6 below today with an expected high of 19 by noon. Have a wonderful day! Miss and love you all.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

You better watch out You better not Cry

SANTA CLAUSE is coming to town!!!! For those of you that don't believe in the jolly man in the red suit I want you to think of all of your Christmases. Think of the times when something has happened during this season that has been totally unexpected. You got a call from someone you were thinking about that you haven't heard from for a while. A gift shows up that you have no idea where it came from. Someone does something unexpected or unpredicted. There is always the spirit of the big man in all of us. There are always those miracles in our lives that happen everyday but around this time of year seem more special. I hope you all have a wonderful day today and tomorrow and I hope you all find that hidden spirit in you.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Cheer

This year Christmas time has brought many different feelings and the biggest of them is humility. It's no secret how much we like to spoil those we love. This year with the economy we had to tighten our belts which is very difficult for me to accept. This makes me very sad but very excited to know that we can still bring joy to those we know. This year we have been hit by illnesses in our family and friends and I am so grateful they are still with us to celebrate. I am extremely grateful Bill and I have stable jobs when so many of our friends are loosing theirs. No present could ever be better than to have my family and friends around me. The hugs, laughter, and sometimes tears we share are more precious to me than anything anyone could buy me. It's easy to fall into a scrooge character especially these days. This Christmas has brought back to me the true meaning of why we are celebrating. Christmas should be about giving of oneself whether it be time, a smile, a simple act of kindness, not yelling at the other cars during traffic. It should be a reflection of all that is all good in life and all gifts that have been given to us that can't be bought in the store. So the only thing left to say is thank you all for those gifts you have unknowingly given me and know I have and will treasure them all. I warned you all I get very melancholy this time of year

Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm on Vacation!

Well after a pretty dull day at work I am on vacation. I have off tomorrow and all to myself until 2:30. Boys have dentist appointments I have to take them to. I can't wait to have a little p&Q before the mad rush of the holidays start. Of course, I'm waiting for Bill because as always we wait until the last minute to shop. We know what we are getting the boys so waiting doesn't really matter. It stops them from snooping. I have never done that in my lifetime. I don't know where the kids get it. Of course I'm on the naughty list already so a little white shouldn't do anymore damage. Scotch tape was the best thing invented for snoopers. You could pull the tape off the package and peek without anyone knowing. I hope everyone stays safe in their travels. I am so jealous today of those people who are in a warmer climate. (3 above with a -20 windchill)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Where are the 'Rents?

We've all heard of where's Waldo but we're playing where are the 'rents (parents). No one knows for sure where they are or if they left for sunnier days. I usually get a call that says "we're leaving keep everyone warm abd healthy" Parents! they grow up so fast. It's a sad day when they don't need you. LOL I just hope they have good weather traveling and get there safe.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday night fun

Grandma and Kazoo Band!
Beth getting excited over Big Mama

Tonight we have Clay's Christmas program. I can't wait to see what they do this year. It's always fun because someone does something we end up laughing about.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Yeah Birthdays!!!

Happy Birthday Kyle! 14 and beautiful!
You were cute then and still are!!!

Happy Birthday Beerman! Yeah Me!! I get to celebrate my birthday with both of them!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Here's Monday!

Well it's Monday! That's all I can say about today. We had a wonderful time up at the Pelot Cabin this weekend celebrating Christmas. The kids were a lot of fun and it was great to see them all running around. No pictures to show yet because I have to do it the old fashion way until my digital returns. The kids all had their comic moments and I'm still giggling about them. My brother-in-law was on the naughty side and if I were him I'd worry if he was getting coal in his stocking. My husband was right there with him. As long as I never have to see Cricket on the Hearth again I should be OK. This is a very twisted cartoon on a Christmas Classic DVD. You need a lot of alcohol for this one. I don't know if I will ever recover. Hope everyone has a great week ahead.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Bring on the Presents!

Why is it when it comes to Christmas I turn into a 5 year old. Give me give me give me. I don't really care if it's a pack of gum but I start to shake when I see pretty wrapping paper. I love buying presents and giving them even more. I think I might be worse than Kyle when it comes to this time of year. Clay is excited to see all of his cousins tomorrow. Cole can't wait to see Caleb and play with him. Kyle just likes to be the big kid and be worshiped. Hopefully the weather holds out for us to get there safely. Time to celebrate!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Meet the Sparkly Toes

It's the Christmas season. Cards are coming in, gifts are being requested, tree is up and cookies are being made. I went to one of my favorite blogs and found out you could find your true name of the season. I put in my family's names and this is what I found:

Terry is elf for Merry Sparkly Toes

Bill is elf for Peppermiz Sparkly Toes

Cole is elf for Sparky Sparkly Toes

Kyle is elf for Daffy Sparkly Toes (kind of fits don't you think?)

Clay is elf for Nipper Sparkly Toes (he is a little nipper)

Kind of gets you in the spirit doesn't it. Thanks Jen!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Silent Sunday

Things are pretty quiet here. Cole went skiing yesterday. It was freezing but he said skiing wasn't to bad. Only part of his face got cold. Kyle was at a friends house and so he's just sluggish today. They both went outside with Bill to work on their snowmobiles. Clay and I went to see Bolt since St. Nick left movie tickets in their shoes. I got most of my sewing done now it's time to bake and put up the tree. I like this time of year but it makes me very melancholy. I just watched the Packers get beat in the final play. YIKES. It was a good game otherwise. On to a wonderful busy week.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy St. Nick's Day!

Well 2 of the 3 kids woke up to find their shoes filled with goodies. Don't worry St. Nick didn't forget one or think just one of them were bad. Kyle's at a friends house. Movie tickets and candy were found by all so today Clay and I are off to see Bolt.
It snowed and blowed here all night long we now have about 6 inches and Cole's dieing to get his snowmobile out but Bill's got it tuck in the garage and they both need to get things moved to get them out.
Life's pretty quiet here today just getting things ready for the holidays. Clay and I are also going to be making cookies this evening. I wonder how much dough will actually make it into the oven.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

16 and has a JOB!

I know we discussed the worse jobs we've all had but let's all think about our first job. For most of us it was dealing with slobbering kids and poop. OK not much has changed for some of us just the age bracket. We all were thrilled to get that first paycheck. Cole got his first real job. This one doesn't deal with snot nosed kids or screaming people at the grocery store or nasty men at the mill. Cole is going to be working at WSPT radio. He starts his training tonight. From what he has told us he gets to push a button to play commericals during a broadcast. Are any of you thinking aww poor baby? I'm not! the kid got a perfect job. I just hope it lasts. We all know how he'll feel when he gets that first paycheck. To quote my father "I just got a raise". It will be fun on the first weekend he has to work. He'll understand what its really like then.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm one day closer to the weekend!

What a week already. Let me just run you down the highlights of this week so far. Monday morning got off to a wicked start. Our computer crashed at work and my partner had to spend the morning trying to figure out what's going on so I got to treat most of our caseload. Tuesday morning I had someone follow me down the road to work flashing their lights at me. Keep in mind the Nursing Home I work at is in an area down by the river and there are no street lights at all. It's as black as can be. This person followed me into my parking lot. I thought he left but I get out of my car and he's parked in the visitors lot with the reverse lights on and watching me walk into the building. I stopped and tried to see if I could get a licence plate number but I couldn't see it (go figure) I know it wasn't a unmarked car and I know for once I wasn't even going the speed limit (I checked and I was going 26 in a 35. I know unusual for me) Today was just down right busy. My partner got stuck in what should have been a half an hour meeting for an hour and 45 min. We also got 2 more patients extra to see so I started to see her case load. I've had about an hour overtime each day and it doesn't look like it's going to let up soon. I love it when we are busy (job security). A girl I work with, her husband lost his job at Wausau homes yesterday so I am serious when I say busy is good. Especially around the holiday time. Well I'm off to go get St. Nick's stuffers. Have a great rest of the week.