Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hi ho hi ho it's Back to work I go

Why is it even after 3 days of glorious nothing that the first day back is always like a Mon.? Kids are down to 8 days of school. Yeah like this last week for most is ridiculous. Clay has a field trip and a carnival to go to. Kyle is going to the Medieval Times in Shaumburg. He's not happy about it because when the class voted the Brewers were somehow left off. Some of us parents are still toying with the idea of taking them to a game instead. They are studying the middle evil times so this does fit. Cole may be missing school on Friday to go to the State track meet. 3 of his team mates (all girls) made it to state. Cole lettered in track but failed to tell his parents this. He was talking to Nathan's dad while they were here and Jeff congratulated him. Cole's response was "I shouldn't have to tell you, you should know that I'm just so awesome that I'll letter in everything." OY! Kyle's umping tonight. I think I'll go catch the second game to see how he does.

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