Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It the Official First school night

Let's just say not all of us are excited about school starting. For mom it's the start of battles. Clay went to meet with his teachers today. He got to pick a job. He was the first to pick so he was thrilled. He picked ticket master. This is the person who is in charge of handing out tickets when he sees someone doing something good. Cole deemed him the ticket Nazi. Yikes to have power in fourth grade. Kyle had freshman orientation today. Don't think he's as cool about going to high school as he puts on. Cole doesn't help much being he'll be a senior this year. I really need medication. I'm wanting to hug and hold onto him all the time now. By the time the years over I'll probably be so glad he's going to go on to do something different. Still waiting to get his pictures back. He's excited about being a senior. So it will be early to bed for all of us tonight. I didn't forget about Bill he just thinks we're all crazy. Here's to the 2009-10 school year. Say a prayer for me.

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